6 thoughts on “October 11, 2019 a

  1. Love the image for this verse on Revelation; also appreciate the last two days’ of post, wanted you to know I read them and enjoyed the images too and thinking about verses and images

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    1. This is the first official post and is a praise and honor verse to GOD the FATHER. Indeed, He is Worthy of all the glory and power considering His awesomely magnificent attributes, the vastness of His creation, and what this all means to us, particularly our salvation. These first three posts delve on the GOD in three Persons. The image is of GOD’s Throne. I appreciate your understanding. Blessings to you and your family, Pastor!

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        1. The only way to understand Salvation deeper and its significance/meaning, is to know the work and the overlapping role of the GOD in three Persons i.e. Triune GOD. Grateful to GOD for His constant direction and revelation through His Word/Bible.

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