April 16, 2020

11 thoughts on “April 16, 2020

    1. True, Crissy! Now, that we know the truth, “let us not be foolish….” Maybe, Cleopas and his friend were in a state of shock and were trying to comprehend the series of events that were unfolding; with only the Son of GOD able to make them see the entire picture. Or it is GOD’s divine will, so that we will have a lesson to learn in our walk of faith.

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    1. Thank you, Michelle. This is solely because GOD uses and guides all of us according to His purpose. Most importantly, His word has impact because it is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (ESV). All praises solely to the GOD in three persons! 🙂👍

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