14 thoughts on “June 8, 2020

    1. True, Ed! That is one way to see it, which the human heart fails without GOD’s intervention. Another way is to be satisfied of what GOD has given according to His will and divine providence. On a different note, crab/”talanka”/”kasag” when cooked with “gata”/coconut milk is so delicious. I’m longing to eat that dish (crabs are not available online) while being stuck at home for almost 3 months, now.

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        1. Amen thanks for your international perspective but really the biblical perspective. Both are wrong and both need God’s saving and sanctifying grace! Is the word Habagat Tagalog?

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        2. True, Jim! It shows that this world is constantly in need of our Savior, JESUS CHRIST and GOD’s sanctifying grace. Yes, Habagat is a tagalog term for Southwest Monsoon. These are the strong winds and rainy days. There were times in the past that the total rainful in a day due to Habagat, exceeds that of a storm.

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