13 thoughts on “September 17, 2020

  1. Love how this verse shows grace is the work of the Son (blood of Christ) and also the involvement of the Holy Spirit (“eternal Spirit”). Thanks for sharing this verse Gersom

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        1. Thanks for reading this! This is from a new series our church is going over on Tuesday and this is the introduction. If there’s ever any input do share, as I know you are well read and you are also a fellow brother in Christ who loves God’s Word! Have a good night for now!

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        2. Sure, Jim! I’ll try. We are flooded with so many leadership books these days but the Godly leadership is an interesting one as it adheres only in GOD’s word i.e. Bible. There are many stories and verses in the Bible that can be linked to what a Christian leader ought to be and the best ones is what JESUS was doing. Peter, John, and the rest of JESUS’ disciples and followers learned a lot from Him.

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        3. I had to take MANY leadership courses in Seminary. I started every discussion post, paper and project stating that in order for us to be good leaders we must FIRST be good followers of Christ. Christian leadership by definition requires following God. Only when we follow God and live according to His will, way, word will we be able to lead anyone!

          Jim and Kent, you two are some of the people I talk with most and you both know my heart. I am not out to deter male leadership or headship. How we follow God and our superiors speaks volumes to those who follow us. I am passionate about this, especially with Undergraduates. They are my people. They are the ones who are about to enter the frontlines. Far too often kids are raised in the church with their parents faith, yet are abandone once they go to college or university. I know that we as a Body can do better than this.

          I am thankful for both of you and love learning with you and from you!!! God bless you and your families!!!

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        4. Thank you for sharing, Mandy! This is a great perspective of being good followers of JESUS first as one matures to become a leader in CHRIST. My apologies those who adhere to Paul but I’m moderate on that one (only) so it is fine with me that women will lead or assume leadership roles. True, how we follow speaks volumes for those who follow and vise versa and this reminded me again on the song, Find Us Faithful. That is a good ministry and it will be fruitful with GOD’s control and motivating by kindness of your heart. Likewise, blessings from the GOD who sustains us.

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    1. Amen! Glory be to the Triune GOD! Because of solely GOD’s grace in us through the blood of our Lord GOD and Savior, JESUS CHRIST, our sins are removed; not of our own works. Now, we can manifest our saved/redeemed lives by serving GOD. Blessings to you and your family!

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