19 thoughts on “October 7, 2020

    1. Good morning! True, Perth Girl, it is an important reminder for us as well as an understanding people who are “operating” under the guise of “christianity” but have a different or contradictory set of beliefs. This is a life of eager, excessive, and persistent sinning inspite of knowing the Triune GOD, His promises, His hate for sins, and what is sinful. It is also a situation of accepting a “christian” lifestyle but rejecting JESUS and His teachings just like cults do. Genuine belivers will not loose their salvation as GOD is at work. GOD bless you and your family!

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    1. 😄. Thank you for the earlier review, Mandy, and for your suggestion on the verse reorganization! As we discussed, and for the readers benefit, this is a reminder verse for all of us. This is a caveat to those whose christian life is just a facade and a mask to their unbridled sinful life e.g. cults, unrepentant corrupt persons. Only true repentance to GOD and changing of ways can they escaped the fire and fury. GOD bless you my friend, you and your entire family! 🙂


    1. You are right, Jim it is dangerous to play with “fire” as it might consumed the person to a point of no return. Fires are easy to put off when small until it reaches a level of conflagration where it is overwhelming. Only GOD can lead someone out of that quagmire (e.g. in a cult or sinful lifestyle) as long as the person, when he/realizes his/her error, seeks GOD, repents and follows Him.

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    1. You are right about it, Crissy, who will then catch the person? If is fearful! While the person is not in that situation, he/she must repent even in his/her 11th hour. GOD is merciful and accepts sincere repentance from a broken person. GOD bless you my friend!

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    1. True, ma’am Bonnie, with GOD working in us, we will be able to overcome and JESUS–who was Resurrected by GOD the FATHER, will complete His work in us. So, when the time comes, our phisical bodies too will be resurrected and transformed into a glorious body. Amen!


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