22 thoughts on “October 25, 2020

    1. Praising GOD for revealing this GOD given wisdom of Solomon to us, Mandy! Our toil, is vanity and futile as we cannot bring it at the end of our lives to heaven. Still, in our toil, we give glory to GOD who gives us grace and blessings. GOD bless you and your entire family!

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    1. The book is a good reflection on ones life, not just for Solomon but for all of us. What we accumulate and do is vanity except when we lay up treasures in heaven as JESUS had said. GOD bless you and your family!

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    1. You are right, Jim, it is sad for people to be engrossed on their toil as their own prowess (and the pleasure they have from it), and not being grateful nor putting GOD in the equation as the source of their (physical) strength, (strategic) mind, (compassionate) heart, and soul. GOD bless you and your family!

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