18 thoughts on “November 2, 2020

    1. Good morning, ma’am Bonnie! Thank you very much for your prayers! I appreciated it and GOD did answer all your prayers that He spared so many. As 1) sanctified to be like JESUS, 2) walk by His way, and 3) let the HOLY SPIRIT guide us in our life, we strive to discern what we say/write or be a force of encouraging people in CHRIST. We build each other in faith and worship of the Triune GOD. Blessings to you and your family!


    1. I agree with you, Jim! That summarizes the set of verses for today. Tomorrow, we will proceed with pride (for two days). Afterwhich, we will have last minute reminders on sanctification and encouraging words as new creation in JESUS CHRIST i.e. to hold our original confidence to the end, conquer and overcome, and be renewed, knowing that JESUS will complete His work in us. And we end the subseries with 1 Thesalonians 5:23 on the 18th.

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      1. Thank you for the details of the direction you are going. Hitting on pride is good, it’s a sin that’s often present with other sins. I also look forward to the New Creation verses!

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        1. I just had 2 posts on pride due to limited time for this subseries on sanctification. I will make a plan for a possible series next year that also includes samples from the Biblical stories.

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        2. I’ve learn from your style in these different series, Jim! Also, it gives samples that are contents within the Bible that is something that I can only post in the blog aside from hymns.

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        1. Talking about the Bible Study, Jim, I have learn a lot from the series and I appreciated your lectures. You are right about it. Recalling the many things I’ve taken from your lecture in today’s session, for us not to be frustrated, we should be depending/focusing on GOD and recognizing His mercies, by that we will lessen the frustration part. Thank you for these points to ponder and live by.

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