34 thoughts on “November 5, 2020

    1. This is a great testimony, Jim, on the gradual but effective molding of GOD in the sactification process of believers i.e. to be like JESUS. Being, humble, gentle, and patient is hard to live by in this world that always test the threshold of these noble traits. We are grateful to the Triune GOD for His work in us. GOD bless you and your family!

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      1. I’m so grateful for the work of our Triune God with sanctification. I think a mark of spiritual growth is the increase awareness of that fact. Brother Kent I’m so glad I found your blog this year!

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        1. Oh, I kind of referring to who found whose blog. But yes, you are right, Jim, the inverse i.e. spiritual growth is also the barometer of an increasing in awareness is also true. The last time I checked, I found most blog especially those discovered in February.😉

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        2. LOL late night loopiness while I’m trying to finish today’s post and finish reading made me not read clearly. You’re right you found my blog first, and not I found yours! It’s analogous to God’s grace…we didn’t choose Him first, He choose us first out of sheer grace amen?

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  1. Thanks, Kent, for the passage and the very appropriate graphic. Many believers come to the internet brandishing their swords ready and eager to do battle with other believers over secondary and tertiary doctrines.

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    1. You are right, Tom, the devil will be laughing on this as it became an unnecessary proxy war, sadly between belivers and not against the evil one. Actually, as much as I don’t quote beyond scripture but it is true of a popular book that “what is essential is invisible to the eye.” Only GOD can truly open our hearts and let minds focus on His saving work through the redemptive sacrifice of JESUS. We accept this grace alone, through faith alone, in CHRIST alone, which is essential. We also pray that believers will focus on GOD, in His grace, and in ones sanctification than fighting over. After all, these believers will sing hymns and be the best of friends in heaven. GOD bless you and your family!

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    1. Grateful to GOD for leading me to this picture months ago. It came in handy. May we be bearing each other, gentle, humble and patient these days and the decades to come until we sing hymns in heaven.

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    1. Grateful to the Triune GOD, Crissy, for His Word that we read and reflect upon that gives us guidance (in our sanctification process) as we live and walk by faith. True, may we heed it’s teachings! Thank you. Blessings to you and your team in evangelizing for CHRIST! 🙂

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