18 thoughts on “January 18, 2021

  1. Hey, Brother! Now more than ever may we seek our Triune God to clothe us in and with His compassion, kindness, humility etc. It can be far too easy to wear comfy clothes of this world then wearing the dress up clothes of our King. Love and blessings to you and your family!

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    1. You are right, Mandy! These unsettling and upsetting times require a “compassionate heart, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forgiveness, and love.” We have the assurance, as a “new self” in JESUS CHRIST, that our Triune GOD, who is always there working for our salvation, will also renew our mind/heart and will clothe us with these traits. So, with GOD, let us put them on in the midst of global uncertainty, if not the socio-economic effects of the ongoing pandemic. I agree with you, it is easy to respond/express in a much comfortable mundane/old self way in these times but we must not missed that we are renewed, and, based on this set of verses, as “GOD’s chosen ones” from all over the globe. True, this is not an easy one and we must seek our Triune GOD for it. Blessings to you, Nathan, and your parents!

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    1. Yes, I agree with you, Crissy! We should invite the Triune GOD to come into our life as His chosen ones, be renewed in mind/heart through His Word, be constantly sensitive to the conviction and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, live a sanctified life by following JESUS CHRIST, and accepting GOD the FATHER’s grace by faith. We all should strive for this walk and overcome the “flesh” or mundane. Blessings too to you, you family, and your ministry!

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  2. Its fascinating how many verses on God’s choice of us that you shared that shows there’s ethical implications for us as believers such as this one. May we be meek, humble and patient!

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    1. When GOD the FATHER, out of His grace, chose us, He did not stop on the choosing part but instead allowed us to realize what it means to be chosen by GOD through His work in our salvation, including making us walk a holy life. This work entails 1) the atoning sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST paving the way of redemption, 2) His very effective call for us to repent and believe, 3) justifying our faith in Him who gave us grace, 4) sanctifying us and as we also strive for holiness/obey Him (including being meek, humble, and patient) and enduring until, JESUS completes it, and 5) giving us glorified bodies as we meet Him in His second coming. We are grateful to GOD not just for choosing us but also patiently molding us to be better creation in His Heavenly Kingdom. Blessings to you Jim, Nancy, and your kids!

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