12 thoughts on “February 1, 2021

  1. This verse always fascinates me. I think this shows 1.) God’s election of sinners to be His people, but also 2.) the end times will have a lot of confusion and lies. 3.) Christians must practice discernment even if one is saved, to be careful of not believing lies, even undamnable lies.
    Good passage you shared!

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    1. These are the words of JESUS CHRIST that warns us that there are false christ and prophets that we should not follow. You are right, Jim! This is a good reminder for our readers that we should discern from false christ and know that when JESUS CHRIST comes, it will be glorious like no other (see Glorified for GOD’s Glory subseries) and it will be known/felt in all corners of the earth in real time. Blessings to you and your family!

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  2. This captivating verse always reminds me that as Christians we shouldn’t be following signs and wonders. Also we need to be discerning . Times of great deception are upon us. May the Lord help us endure to the end.
    Blessings my friend. Have a good evening.

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    1. True, Crissy! You are right, we should be discerning! We can discern by reading the Bible more, knowing the Triune GOD and His promises, and praying constantly to GOD the FATHER to deliver us from evil. Yes, times of great deception are ahead of us. Let us hold firm in faith to JESUS CHRIST who strengthens our faith in Him. And contiually listen to the prodding/persuasion of the HOLY SPIRIT. Blessings to you and your family!

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  3. In these last days there is more need than ever for us to live by and in His Spirit, that our flesh will not lead us astray by following false prophets. Let us always be alert to the danger facing us.

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    1. You are right, Alan, let us “be sober-minded and watchful” as the false prophets, like “the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (ESV). We must live under the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT and be sensitive to His prodding/persuasion; knowing that JESUS CHRIST also keeps us from succumbing to the devil’s snares. We must put on the Armor of GOD. Blessings to you and your family!

      Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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