38 thoughts on “February 13, 2021

    1. We officially conclude this 8-month long series, Mandy, with the words of JESUS CHRIST! This post is a message for our readers that blessed is the person who is not offended by JESUS with what He stands for and Who He represents. Similarly, we should not be offended by these Truths on GOD’s Grace from the Bible and from His Word. Instead, we reflect on it, accept the Triune GOD’s grace as His will for us, pray for His guidance in our life, be grateful that even if we do not deserve it, He still is gracious to us, and be excited for His gift of salvation; knowing that it means being with Him and worshipping Him throughout eternity. GOD bless you, Nathan, and your family! Thank you for your comments!

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      1. Hi, Kent!!!!!! Praise God like Paul we are not ashamed of the Gospel! This has been a WONDERFUL and FAITHFUL series! I am so thankful for how God has used you to encourage us these last 8 months!!!! I am thankful for this space where we can encourage each other with the Good News of Jesus Christ! Lord God, thank You for Kent. Lord, use Kent to spread Your Good News of Jesus Christ to the believer and the unbeliever. Thank You God for Kent’s heart for You! In Jesus’s Name I pray. Amen! Love and blessings to you and your family!!!!

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        1. You caught me off guard, Mandylorian! 😉 Thank you very much for all your prayers, your “Amens” and for helping me share the Gospel and the Truths on GOD’s grace to our readers, making this, as you have graciously said, “a WONDERFUL and FAITHFUL series!” Time does not matter, only GOD does, and the 8 “dragging” months was worth it, to present all possible new verses that provide Biblical support to the Grace of GOD that we all must reflect into and best of all, accept with humility and gratitude to the Triune GOD. There were many great verses that should have been included in the series, Mandy, but they were already posted prior to the series. So, now, I’ll just have to update the website on this series and recharge a bit for a while for a month. Next will be an “autopilot” kind of series on selected Psalms, right after tomorrow’s post on love. Happy Valentines! A blessed Sunday ahead of you and Nathan, Mandy!

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        2. Grateful to GOD for this opportunity, Mandy! Many times GOD has proven how He guides me in the sequencing and finding of new verses. It is all GOD’s revelation through His Word and inspiration. It is all His grace to us as part of keeping us in CHRIST JESUS! Don’t get too excited on an “autopilot” (tomorrow, you will see the difference). But get excited after the break when Psalm 88 will be in line in new sets of series. Yes, your post of last year my dear Blue Collar Theologian, remember. For now, recharge and add/fix the website among a lot of things to do.

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    1. What a coincidence, Crissy that, that is the same theme in my previous response minutes ago to your earlier comment. Thanking GOD for that! Yes, many will be offended by JESUS CHRIST’s teachings and these Truths that we encountered from the Bible throughout the series on GOD’s Grace. But it is all the Triune GOD’s grace of salvation! The grace of GOD the FATHER that He chose, calls, justifies and gives us to JESUS CHRIST. The grace of JESUS that He atone for all our sins and imputed His righteousness to us. The grace of both HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS that we are sanctified, kept, and have a glorified body for eternity. All this is the Triune GOD’s grace despite we are all equally sinful and undeserving of His grace. GOD bless you, your family, and your ministry! Thank you for your comments!

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      1. Praise God Clark .
        So grateful for our salvation and His faithfulness, He is the author and the finisher of our faith and all Glory to our Triune God.


  1. When we know the Gospel, what He’s Done, why should we be offended? Oh its our Triune God who moves us to be saved and shown grace, and we should love Him! THanks for this post!

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    1. You are right, Jim, why should we be offended with our Potter, our Creator, when we know what the Triune GOD has done for us even if we do not deserve it as we are all equally sinners. The Bible shows how wicked and sinful humankind is and as you pointed out, “our Triune GOD, who moves us to be saved and shown grace,” initiates His salvation plan to rescue us from our sins and His judgment. So, “we should love Him” instead. As we recall in the series, salvation is all His work and we cannot even work an inch for it but with humility accept His grace, receive JESUS CHRIST as Lord GOD and Savior as He keeps, and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to reside in us, and pray to GOD the FATHER in gratitude. This verse was a response of JESUS when John the Baptist had honest doubts. May we who have honest doubts be kept in CHRIST until we sing worship song on our Triune GOD for eternity. GOD bless you, Nancy, and your kids! Thank you for your comments!

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      1. “ we recall in the series, salvation is all His work and we cannot even work an inch for it but with humility accept His grace” I do recall and I am grateful for those daily reminders for weeks! Our Triune God is amazing! Blessings to you too brother!

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    1. Oh, that is what we call recharging.🔋 Yep, even non-“pastors also need a break.”😉 Skipping comments for a short time while in “autopilot mode” as we enjoy the Psalms and other verses.

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    1. Thank you for your blessings of GOD’s grace and peace, Richard! Blessed indeed are those who are not offended by JESUS as Lord GOD of our life and the sole Savior of our sins, His commands, and Biblical Truths that leads to knowing GOD’s saving grace. He is a stumbling block to those who can’t believe Him. But for us, He is our GOD. Blessings to you and your family!


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