20 thoughts on “April 13, 2021

  1. I have always loved to read these passages as it is comforting with Jesus telling us how Blessed we are for knowing Him and for following His way! Be Blessed.

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    1. Yes, I agree with you Julia! It is really comforting and what an assurance to know from our GOD and Savior JESUS CHRIST that we are considered blessed. Indeed, many godly people, based on what JESUS said (v17), in the Bible stories before His birth that would want to know about the GOD CHRIST who came to earth, be with His people, redeemed us, and be our Savior. We are blessed to have known these Truths in the Bible. May these Truths encourages us everyday! Blessings to you andyour family!

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    1. Grateful to GOD for the availability of this timely image, Mandy! Indeed, we are grateful to the HOLY SPIRIT for making us see the light, i.e. Salvation from the Triune GOD alone, through His Word that we read and sermons (and other edifying mediums/outlets) on the Word that we hear. Likewise, blessings to you and your family!

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    1. Amen, amen, and amen! True, Crissy! We are solely grateful to the Triune GOD for our Salvation as He work in our Salvation alone. We have the grace of GOD the FATHER, the propitiation of our sins by JESUS CHRIST, and the continued guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT! Good night my friend!

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    1. Thank you for your insight! GOD’s Word, indeed renews us and helps us understand Him, His will, and our salvation coming from Him. Blessings to you and your family!


    1. You are right, Agehamodoki, it can be seen like that because 9f where physical crosses are associated, especially with the pandemic. The messages are seeing JESUS, being enlighten, and knowing the Gospel. Corona infection is also rising in some parts of the world with the new strains, including here in the Philippines. Relatively, Japan has fewer cases than the Philippines. NHK World does provide daily updates. Praying for you and your family’s safety. We will pray that next year will be covid19 free so we won’t we wearing masks and Japan will be opened for tourists. Blessings to you and your family!

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    1. Thank you for your encouragement Martie! Indeed, we must focus on JESUS, His message of salvation for us, and follow Him. With our sights on the LORD, we are renewed with His Word! GOD bless you and your family!

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