9 thoughts on “August 10, 2021

        1. No storms yet lately, Mandy but with these times, we expect higher categories. True, we all should consider all the warnings and future possibilities as we hear news of severe disasters due to climate change. It is all over the news today. For starters, we will just pray that the average temperature will not increase beyond 1.5°C, no country in the future will be wiped out in the map due to sea level rise, and that many Christians will opened their minds that this is a global thing that affects many people worldwide. Actually, I’m tempted to come up with a series after the IPCC Report but we have ongoing series on repentance. Perhaps a break somewhere.

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        2. Amen to what you’re praying about! I appreciate islanders and those who live in costal areas as y’all know/well aware that climate change is an imminent threat. I meant my response more toward folks who live inland as well as to those who make climate change a political issue. This would make a great series whenever you are led to do it!!!!!

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        3. Actually, the topic is closest to my heart (aside from the Gospel of course) due to Disaster Risk Management but it is also controversial in your part of the world. Probably, I’m wrong but you are just few of the exception, Mandy, only few of you. Even in this response alone, I skipped politics because I’m walking on tightrope when it comes to Climate Change. But it is high time, as you’ve said, to focus on taking care of the environment as our GOD given mandate. We will pray that they will go beyond what is domestic (just like you and few others) and see the global effects with a Christian heart; that those who are in risk areas or hotspots, today or in the next decades, will have a chance of surving in the next century.

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