34 thoughts on “September 27, 2020

    1. True, Perth Girl, when we 1) live in GOD’s grace by faith in JESUS CHRIST as our GOD and Savior, 2) follow His teachings, and 3) being sanctified by Him, the result will be our mind and heart is renewed, there is a behavioral change in us, having a new perspective and pursuit, and we are not after worldly pleasures and gains. Our focus is on GOD and following His way more, than what is expected of us by worldly standards. Sometimes, people and even our peers find this new behavior strange. Likewise, a blessed Sunday!

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    1. Grateful to GOD for showing us this set of verses early on, Jim. It is essential for the succeeding sets. Just like water and oil. There are things a true christian cannot do because he/she is convicted by the HOLY SPIRIT and a perspective and pursuit geared towards GOD’s way that he/she does. There are distinctive traits that separates someone from ones peers. This subseries will takle it; stay tuned. GOD bless you and your family, Jim!

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    1. When we carry the cross of JESUS and follow Him as the Way, Crissy, we are already not of this fallen world and being readied for our true home. Carrying our cross i.e. following JESUS CHRIST, by His grace that we received by faith in Him, we become distinct/sanctified for His purpose. GOD bless you and your family!

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    1. Amen indeed JJ! The Biblical words, if the world hates you, know that it hated JESUS first (John 15:18) is related to this set of verses and a reminder that if we follow JESUS’ way, a fallen world cannot comprehend our new pursuits and perspectives in a sanctified life. An there will be instances that we will be seen ranging from “different” to out group to outcasts because we carry His cross. We will focus on the reward, which is to worship the Triune GOD in heaven.

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    1. True, ma’am Bonnie, JESUS has many rooms for all of us as stated in John 14:2. It is an assurance that GOD will always be there thus we are always ready. For now, we still have a lot to share the Gospel here though so we all continue to serve Him here. GOD bless you and your family!

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    1. True, Jewels for the Soul, this fallen world is just a transient place and our real home is heaven where we are worshipping and thanking GOD. While in our journey (taking cue on your recent post) here on earth, we are continously molded and sharpened in preparation for heaven! GOD bless you!


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